Emerging evidence show that among patients with COVID-19, the risk of death of diabetes is 50% higher than those without diabetes, especiall...

29. März 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten, COVID-19

Aidian is a proud distributor of the Meridian's flexible fully automated molecular PCR platform Revogene® that is capable of both single ana...

24. März 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Die KV Thüringen hat Ihren Digitalen Rahmenvertrag um das neue Versorgungsmodul "Schnelltest PLUS" zum 01.01.2022 erweitert. Falls die Versc...

23. März 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Non-invasive point of care (POC) faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) aid in triaging both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients for colonosco...

16. März 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

The new re-designed QuikRead go workstation is now available! It is designed to ensure effortless testing with the QuikRead go -system and i...

3. März 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Recently published study by Refaai et. al assessed the performance of the microINR system in patient self-testing (PST). Vitamin K antagonis...

1. Februar 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Upper respiratory tract symptoms including acute pharyngitis are the common symptoms of COVID-19, with a reported incidence of about 5% – 17...

19. Januar 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten, COVID-19

U.S developed Nova Biomedical's Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas analyzer delivers a 24-test blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite panel i...

13. Januar 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten