Emerging evidence show that among patients with COVID-19, the risk of death of diabetes is 50% higher than those without diabetes, especiall...
Aidian is a proud distributor of the Meridian's flexible fully automated molecular PCR platform Revogene® that is capable of both single ana...
Die KV Thüringen hat Ihren Digitalen Rahmenvertrag um das neue Versorgungsmodul "Schnelltest PLUS" zum 01.01.2022 erweitert. Falls die Versc...
Non-invasive point of care (POC) faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) aid in triaging both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients for colonosco...
The new re-designed QuikRead go workstation is now available! It is designed to ensure effortless testing with the QuikRead go -system and i...
Recently published study by Refaai et. al assessed the performance of the microINR system in patient self-testing (PST). Vitamin K antagonis...
Upper respiratory tract symptoms including acute pharyngitis are the common symptoms of COVID-19, with a reported incidence of about 5% – 17...
U.S developed Nova Biomedical's Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas analyzer delivers a 24-test blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite panel i...