Immediate actions are required to decrease the global burden of antimicrobial resistance A recent study published new estimates about the b...

27. Januar 2022
Nachrichten, AMR

Upper respiratory tract symptoms including acute pharyngitis are the common symptoms of COVID-19, with a reported incidence of about 5% – 17...

19. Januar 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten, COVID-19

U.S developed Nova Biomedical's Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas analyzer delivers a 24-test blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite panel i...

13. Januar 2022
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Das Jahr 2021 neigt sich dem Ende zu und wir möchten uns bei all unseren Kunden, Geschäftspartnern und Kollegen bedanken. Trotz der COVID-19...

21. Dezember 2021

Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is a leading cause of outpatient care and can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral pharyngitis do...

16. Dezember 2021
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

Aidian is your best partner in the demanding field of acute care diagnostics. Here we have selected two systems into focus; our own flagship...

14. Dezember 2021
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

CEO of Aidian, Juho Himberg, was interviewed about QuikRead go iFOBT test and screening of colorectal cancer. English translation of the art...

1. Dezember 2021
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten

MIKROGEN's CarL is a fully automated walk-away system, which combines processing, scanning and evaluation of serological strip assays for in...

30. November 2021
Nachrichten, Produktnachrichten